Sarah Palin named as Republican VP Candidate.
I do not usually tackle political subjects and I have over the last several months become very disappointed in the political process as a whole. I have felt like virtually every candidate out there is out of touch with what hard working American families are struggling with....that is until today when John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. I have to admit that being a staunch Mitt Romney fan I was a little skeptical at this seemingly unknown Governor from Alaska. It did not however take long for me to be won over by this very real and sincere wife and mother of five. Being a mother of five children myself and am totally blown away by this woman's achievements and desires to make government work the way it is supposed to: For and in behalf of the people. Not for special interests groups or for Hollywood celebrities or for only the rich and powerful. Finally we have someone that in the words of John McCain," knows what its like to worry about mortgage payments and health care. The cost of gasoline and groceries. A person who understand the problems and hopes and values of working people."
I especially loved reading a quote by her in reference to her son who was born with down syndrome “Children are the most precious and promising ingredient in this mixed-up world you live in down there on Earth. Trig is no different, except he has one extra chromosome.”
Click here to learn more about this amazing woman.